List of Museums in Moscow
Museums of Moscow
For museums lovers, Moscow is a treasure. The themes of the museums are very diverse, so there is something for everyone on museum area in Moscow.
Bachroesjin Theatre Museum
This museum is located in the metro stop at the address Paveletskaja Ulitsa Bachroesjina. The museum contains one of the largest and most important collections of articles Theatre of Russia. The museum was founded in 1894 by the wealthy Russian businessman Alexei Bachroesjin.
Estate Abramtsevo
This estate is situated at a distance of over 50 kilometers north of Moscow. The estate serves as a museum. In the second half of the 19th century the estate was inhabited by the famous writer Sergei Aksakov. After his death, the estate was taken over by the rich industrialist Savva Mamontov and today you can see beautiful buildings and great art.
The armory is located in the Kremlin and was in former times literally as armory. The room was built in 1844 by order of Tsar Nicholas I. The room shows an extensive collection of wonderful art, gold and many jewels.
Sjaljapinhuis: It is located in the district Arbatskaja and this is the old house of the former opera star Fyodor Chaliapin, whose paintings and portraits now be admired. In many of the paintings and drawings we see Fyodor Chaliapin singing in action.
Pushkin Museum
This amazing museum houses many European, Ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman art, including works by celebrities such as Rembrandt, Jan Steen, Ostade, Ruys Daal, Albert Cuyp, Matisse, Picasso, Renoir, Monet, Van Gogh and more.
Lenin mausoleum
The embalmed body of Lenin is here to admire. The red black pyramid of the Lenin Mausoleum was put down in 1930 to a design by Alexei Sjtsjoesev.
Tretyakov Museum
This museum is devoted to Moscow in 1892 by the wealthy textile manufacturer Pavel Tretyakov. Originally a private museum exhibits today the largest and finest collection of Russian art in the world. This museum you should not miss.
Mayakovsky Museum
This beautiful museum commemorates the revolutionary poet, playwright and painter Vladimir Majakovski.This museum is mainly about his childhood in Georgia.
Polytechnical Museum
The exhibits were originally brought together for an exhibition at the Alexander Park. The museum is especially popular with school trips. There are ancient clocks and cameras to see.
Museum of History of Moscow
In the Museum of History of Moscow found mainly objects from the Iron and Bronze Age, colossal medieval beams, a large number of jewelry, toys and ceramics. This museum was built in 1896.
Vasnetsov Museum
This museum has a collection of objects of the graphic artist, sculptor, painter, stage designer and architect Viktor Vasnetov. He was a member of the group of artists who Ambramtsevo was founded.
Tolstoy Museum
The former home of one of the greatest novelists of Russia. It is home to a museum that was found by Lenin in 1921. The house has been preserved in a state that is hardly different from that in which Tolstoy and his family lived.
Tropinin Museum
This museum works are exhibited from the very talented artist Vasily Tropinin. He made a total of about 3000 portraits. The collection is based on the collection of Feliks Visjnevkij.
Museum of Modern History
The museum gives an objective picture of Russia in the 20th century again. The exhibition covers the period 1900-1991. There you can grenades, maxim guns, candy wrappers with Marx and Lenin on the hat of Nikita Khrushchev and the camera he took in 1959 to the U.S..
Scriabin Museum
This is where the house pianist and composer Aleskandr Scriabin died. The house is all still intact. You can include the pianos, autographed manuscripts and furniture visit.
Kremlin Museum
Here you will find rich treasures of the Russian Tsars and the Russian Church through the centuries have gathered. Famous are the gold and silver Fabergé eggs. You will also thrones, Regalia and imperial robes.
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