Popular Attractions Of Rome
Rome, one of the most popular tourist destinations of the world, known for its historical, natural attractions, foods, museums and many more…
Weekend Break Rome
Rome city of the Piazza
The beautiful Rome! If the city of Rome in a weekend to explore, we must sadly disappointed. Rome has much to offer that a weekend will not be sufficient to explore this beautiful city, so choose at least for a long weekend of four days or one week stay in this city full of culture, antiquity and romance. Who wants to discover the city should definitely go to the piazza for example to the Piazza Navona or one of the other piazzas. Replacing it for many inhabitants of Rome “salotto” did the right house, because many Romans live where the noisy and busy, and together with family or as a standard joke, the Italian living with his mother. But the piazza in Italy and Rome is life and that you will surely experience during your long weekend in Rome. The Piazza is the market, Fair sometimes a demonstration and prayer place, a place to gossip to hear, but also a place to flaneren.In your weekend you are sure this free and favorite hobby in Italy and Rome experienced nl it circus of vanity. Let us show the Italians and Romans their “bella figura”. That means as much as with unparalleled elegance, far above the daily lives sublime, but a look around and risking attractive to female tourists.
After Piazza’s in Rome, to the Museums of Rome
In Rome you will find many museums in a weekend visit, our site is still under construction soon you will find all information to be well prepared for a long weekend to travel to Rome. Nevertheless, we recommend you a nice museum en the “copperplate cabinet”
In Rome you will find many museums in a weekend visit, our site is still under construction soon you will find all information to be well prepared for a long weekend to travel to Rome. Nevertheless, we recommend you a nice museum en the “copperplate cabinet”

Disegni e Stampe della Gabinetto Nazioaale Villa Farnesina (Copperplate Cabinet)
Raphael painted the frescoes of Cupid and Psyche in the loggia. Reputedly the mistress of the boss, the banker Agostino Chigi, the nymph Galatea modeled. Chigi was famed for his party and left in 1508 the Villa Famesina build on the Tiber oever.Na left the banquet he sent the dirty silverware in the Tiber, looking left to throw. His officials had previously stretched grids. Today, the Villa Farnesina 200,000 engravings and reproductions.
Tuesday to Saturday 9.00 – 13.00
Sunday – closed Monday in August
Entrance free Address Via della Lungara 230, bus 28