Everything About Travel Insurance
|A travel insurance covers damage, which are made according to the rules of legal liability against the insured. Such claims have regularly been covered by private insurance. A travel insurance is almost always simply superfluous (and also too expensive as it is usually sold in a package). A personal liability insurance is already the practice, a must!
Who really wants to protect themselves against accidents, is better advised to take out a full-year accident insurance. Disability arises statistically to 90% due to an illness and only 10% due to accidents (10% of these in turn, only half, or about 5%, at leisure). The accident risk is overestimated so generally speaking. Serious disability insurance protection, therefore, recommended as first in the disability insurance.

Car insurance
A traffic insurance is in principle useful because it covers the dispute at high amounts incurred legal fees. The cover is valid but generally only for Europe and the Mediterranean riparian countries and therefore not liable to the United States.
An accident insurance for passengers, it is worth, because the damages abroad is difficult to enforce.